‘Chemtrails’ are contrails that last for a long time and that which are said to be deliberately created for some type of sinister purpose, by the government. But is this a real thing to be worried at or a hoax. The Chemtrail looks like a normal contrail in reality.


Tjocka, vita spår på himlen som ligger kvar länge. Ett vanligt fenomen eller något farligare? Keith Foster utforskar konspirationsteorin om chemtrails.

They spread across the Chemtrails are not to be confused with contrails, which are simply trails of condensed water seen as white streaks in the sky behind aircraft. Chemtrails are easy to identify because while contrails dissipate quickly, chemtrails linger in the sky, spreading out and making it look cloudy even when there are no real clouds in the sky. The recent article of an air grab study in Phoenix titled “chemtrails shocking Phoenix air quality study” proves or vindicates my work and discoveries. Aluminum measured at 6400x above the toxic limit, along with Manganese at 5820x, Iron at 28000x, Barium at 278x, etc. Chemtrails: on the trail of our assassins.

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Chemtrails started to show up over North America in the late 1990s. In the first peer-reviewed study of its kind, researchers at the University of California, Irvine and the Carnegie Institution for Science found that the world’s leading atmospheric scientists overwhelmingly believe that condensation trails ― known in the scientific community as “contrails” and to conspiracy theorists as “chemtrails Recently, the UN tried to promote chemtrails as our only fighting chance against the global warming , so it’s clear that there will be no denying from now on. In an article from last year, I have presented official documents where the EU Parliament stressed that HAARP is a weather modification weapon [3] – among others. Climate change scientists tout “benefits” of geoengineering (chemtrails) in renewed push to pollute the atmosphere, dim the sun and freeze the planet 07/09/2019 / By Mike Adams U.S. fake news media claims geoengineering is a “conspiracy theory” while China and Russia work together to “modify the atmosphere” Mar 1, 2002.. If you are just beginning to learn about Chemtrails, the following Introductory article below will give you an overview of how this spraying program began in late 1997 and how the situation stood up to early 2000. Climate change scientists tout “benefits” of geoengineering (chemtrails) in renewed push to pollute the atmosphere, dim the sun and freeze the planet 07/09/2019 / By Mike Adams U.S. fake news media claims geoengineering is a “conspiracy theory” while China and Russia work together to “modify the atmosphere” What is the Connection between Chemtrails and the MATRIX?

A commercial airliner produces a condensation trail in the skies over California. The world's  Kondensationsstrimmor.

5, Chemtrails Over The Country Club [2021] · Lana Del Rey. 5.0 / 5 (1). 6, Future Nostalgia [2020] · Dua Lipa. 3.7 / 5 (10). 7, positions [2020]

Häftad, 2014. Skickas inom 7-10 vardagar. Köp Chemtrails, Haarp, And The Full Spectrum Dominance Of Planet Earth av Elana M Freeland på  Kvantfysik, chemtrails – eller rent hittepå.


Chemtrails: on the trail of our assassins. Celia and Bill Abram, retired public school teachers, have been watching chemtrails since late 1998. Former meteorological observer with the Canadian Dept. of Transportation talks about dangers of Chemtrails. 8:43 Full Documentary- Discovery Channel-Best Evidence for chemtrails

Ett vanligt fenomen eller något farligare? Keith Foster utforskar konspirationsteorin om chemtrails. Vi kräver ett omedelbart stopp för HAARP, Chemtrails och ID-implantat.


Avsnitt 12 · 2 min 10 sek. Är flygplansspåren på himlen kemikalier makthavare släpper ut för att droga Climate change scientists tout “benefits” of geoengineering (chemtrails) in renewed push to pollute the atmosphere, dim the sun and freeze the planet 07/09/2019 / By Mike Adams U.S. fake news media claims geoengineering is a “conspiracy theory” while China and Russia work together to “modify the atmosphere” La teoría conspirativa de las estelas químicas [1] también llamadas quimioestelas [2] (chemtrails en inglés) plantea la creencia errónea [3] de que las estelas de condensación de larga duración dejadas por los aviones a gran altura son en realidad «estelas químicas» que consisten en agentes químicos o biológicos [4] rociados por los aviones con fines nefastos no revelados al Chemtrails Project UK is part of a growing worldwide movement that is raising awareness of chemtrails and taking action to ban climate geoengineering and weather modification. We have created the Directive to present hard, irrefutable evidence that this illicit, global crime is not merely a "proposal" but is indeed happening today. It's hard to look up in the sky on a clear day and not see a "cloud" trailing from an airplane. They're called contrails, though some refer to them as "chemtrails" and have odd explanations for their existence.
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Det mest förekommande ämnet i chemtrails är enligt de flesta källor är aluminium. Aluminiumet sägs vara i nanopartikelstorlek och sprutas ut på mycket hög höjd ifrån flygplan, alltså de streck man ofta ser på himlen.

The term “chemtrails” is a contraction of chemical trails.
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Hitta perfekta Chemtrails bilder och redaktionellt nyhetsbildmaterial hos Getty Images. Välj mellan 123 premium Chemtrails av högsta kvalitet.

Häftad, 2014. Skickas inom 7-10 vardagar. Köp Chemtrails, Haarp, And The Full Spectrum Dominance Of Planet Earth av Elana M Freeland på  Kvantfysik, chemtrails – eller rent hittepå. Vill du ha hälsa? Framgång?

Kondensstrimmor från flygplan – inte chemtrails Foto: Alamy Aktivera Talande Webb. Ett amerikanskt forskarlag har publicerat en studie av det annorlunda slaget. Resultatet: De vita kondensstrimmor som uppstår efter flygplan när de flyger över himlen är – inte – kemikalier som sprutas ut i syfte att hjärntvätta befolkningen.

I couldn't find anything". Jim Marrs has cited a 2007 Louisiana television station report as evidence for chemtrails. NE VOUS LAISSEZ PAS ENFUMERLa théorie des chemtrails avance que certaines traînées blanches créées par les avions de ligne sont composées de produits chim För mer än tjugo år har amerikaner samt människor från hela världen har utsatts för kontinuerlig besprutning av "chemtrails". Detta aerosolspray innehåller aluminium, barium, svamp, bakterier, nanopartiklar, och en myriad (otalig mängd) av andra patogener (framkallar) och som förstör vårt vatten, vår jord och vår hälsa. Inga belägg för chemtrails De bildas av flygplanens avgaser, och beroende på väderförhållandena kan de stanna kvar i luften ett tag. Sedan 1990-talet har det utvecklats en teori att kondensationsstrimmorna egentligen är så kallade "chemtrails", spår av kemikalier som sprutas ut i atmosfären i syfte att kontrollera befolkningen, skapa sjukdomar, eller påverka vädret. Det mest förekommande ämnet i chemtrails är enligt de flesta källor är aluminium.

Chemtrails are the medium - GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply: Chemtrails are the medium -- directed energy is the method. Spray and Zap. This system appears to be in Russia, Canada, the United States, and all of Europe. But the truth is that the chemtrails are a hoax and rumour on the internet by people who are looking to create some kind of chaos or just trying to make an impact on others by giving false importance to the chemtrails. There are several reasons to prove as to why the chemtrails are a hoax. 22 Mar 2021 “Eighty miles north or south will do.” It's an escapist fantasy the pop singer has entertained before: stealing away from the City of Angels in a  Introduction. The term contrail is a contraction of condensation and trail, as chemtrail is of chemical and trail. The first one is used to name trails left in the sky by  11 Dec 2020 While other speculations say the government is using chemicals being sprayed from jets to poison people or make them ill.